Monday, 30 January 2017

Co-operative learning together

This morning we worked together in pairs to complete our poem which had been all mixed up. We worked cooperatively to cut it up and stick it back together. We checked we were right by reading it aloud and checking with the poem on the wall.

Number 10 Tāwai Crescent audio

Our big book this week is Number 10 Tāwai Crescent - you can listen to the book here

Sunday, 22 January 2017

Our first waiata this term is E hara i te mea

E hara i te mea
Nō nāianei te aroha

Nō nga tūpuna
I Tuku iho, i tuku iho

Simply translated it means:
Not the thing of recent times, is love but by the ancestors it has been passed down, passed down

Click the following link to hear our waiata:  
Link Youtube video of our waiata

We are starting the day with Room 18 in our learning hub with a Karakia and Waiata. The karakia is:

Kia hora te marino
Kia whakapapa pounamu te moana
Hei huarai mā tātou i te rangi nei
Aroha atu, aroha mai
Tātou i a tātou katoa
Hui e, Taike e

May peace be widespread
May the sea be like greenstone
A pathway for us all this day
Give love, receive love
Let us show respect for each other
Bind together!

Thursday, 19 January 2017

Stationery List

1 JWB Handwriting Book
2 SBKA4 Books - Inquiry and Poetry
6 1A4 Books - Writing (x2), Reading, Spelling (3) and 1 unnamed
2 1H5 Quad Book (with margins) - Maths
1 1A5 Book - Måori, Music and Art
1 1LP Pad - Publishing
1 1F4 Book - Home learning

(This pack can be purchased from OfficeMax online for $24.50)

If purchasing in retail stores the following is not available and must be purchased from the office for $6.10
2 SBKA4 Books - @1.50ea
1 ILP Pad - @1.90
1 JWB Book - @1.20

1 Recorder (Suzuki or Stagg)  $12 - not required until March

Shared stationery fee $25.20 - to be paid to the school office - includes Show Me whiteboard markers, Jovi Crayons, Glue Sticks, Class Sets of Felt Pens, Rubbers & HB pencils which will be purchased at bulk prices and used within the classroom throughout the year. ALL STUDENTS TO PAY THIS CHARGE.

Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Welcome to Learning Hub 17

Welcome to 2017 and to our awesome learning hub in Room 17.

My name is Emma Derrick and I am excited to be teaching this Year 3 key class in 2017. Our learning hub will be working closely with Jennifer Sullivan and her Year 3 key class next door in Room 18 throughout the year.

I look forward to meeting everyone and learning about you and your families.

In the meantime, if you need to contact me you can by emailing me at

Nga mihi,
