We have been learning to: write formal letters in the correct format and write suitable questions.
We decided to write to Her Majesty, the Queen of England to wish her a Happy Birthday and ask her some questions. Mrs Derrick found out that we had to be very polite when we wrote to her and start our letter with either 'Your Majesty' or 'May it please, Your Majesty'. We also had to end the letter very formally too. We thought of some questions we would like to ask her and chose two of them to write in our letters. We hope that the Queen or one of her Ladies in Waiting writes back to us.
Here is us writing our draft letters, our good copy of the letter and copies of our letters on the classroom wall. We used our H.E.A.R.T value of Excellence while writing our letters in our neatest writing.
Click on the pictures to make them bigger if you want.

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